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HIJAB( آفتابِ رحمت پہ چھائے ہوئے تارے، حجاب کی چادر، آزادی کی نظارے) ۔


What is hijab?

The term "hijab" is derived from the Arabic word "hijaba," which means to conceal or cover. In the present era, hijab is a common practice among Muslim women, encompassing modest attire.

what are the limits of covering

A woman should not display her beauty or adornments except for what appears naturally due to uncontrollable factors such as the wind blowing her clothes, and she should cover her head so that her hair, neck, and chest can be concealed.

Islam does not have a specific standard or type of clothing that Muslims should wear. However, fulfilling certain requirements is necessary. Among these requirements, the first are the parts of the body that must be covered. Islam has two sources for guidance and commandments: first, the Quran, which is the revealed word of Allah, and second, the Hadith or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), selected by Allah to serve as a role model for humanity.

Hijab is a direct commandment from Allah in the Quran:

"O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful." (Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab 33:59

There are two types of guidance in Islam:

Hidayat-ul-Irshad and Hidayat-ul-Tawfiq. Hidayat-ul-Irshad means "guiding others and calling them to Allah as much as possible through the Quran and Sunnah." Hadeeth-ul-Tawfiq means "now leave it to Allah because giving guidance to someone and changing their heart is now in Allah's hands."

Conveying the message is our job. It is not an overnight task. Yes, I informed about a sister who does not practice hijab, and she delivered a one-hour lecture about its importance today. Tomorrow, she will start wearing it. Or I informed a brother who lags behind in offering all five daily prayers, and there, tomorrow, you will see him offering all five prayers. Or I told a non-Muslim brother/sister about Islam, with such beautiful words and all the evidence that could support the truthfulness of Islam, and then you see them embracing Islam the next moment!

In reality, we are very impatient.

Dear brothers and sisters!!

How long did it take to invite our Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) to Islam? 950 years or more? Yes! And how many people were transformed? Less than a hundred! Can you imagine?

So, calling to Allah requires supplication, patience, kindness, and a constant mood. Where you continuously pray for your fellow Muslim and non-Muslim brothers and sisters, observe fasting, adhere to modesty, abandon evil, worship only one God, and not ask others but only Allah, for He is the one who can change hearts.

Hijab is an attitude in itself,. It's a whole way of life.

                                           Written by lizay

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