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Biography of Hazrat Abu Bakr Saddique

 Birth and early life of Hazrat Abu Bakr Saddique :-

Abu Bakr, also known as Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, holds a significant position in Islam. Abu Bakr is highly respected among Muslims for his unwavering support and dedication to Islam. The first caliph of Islam was Abu Bakr (full name: Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman ibn Amir al-Qurashi al-Taymi). He was born in 573 CE in Mecca, which is located in present-day Saudi Arabia. Abu Bakr was a close companion and the father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad.

Abu Bakr is highly revered by Muslims for his loyalty, piety, and steadfastness in his faith. He was one of the first people to accept Islam after the Prophet Muhamad received his initial revelations. Abu Bakr's acceptance of Islam and his subsequent support were crucial in the early stages of the Muslim community's formational.

Throughout his life, Abu Bakr played a vital role as a trusted advisor and confidant to the Prophet Muhammad. He was known for his wisdom, knowledge, and financial assistance to the Muslim community. Abu Bakr's devotion to Islam was unwavering, and he actively participated in various battles and campaigns alongside the Prophet.

Responsibility of Hazrat Abu Bakr Saddique as 1st caliph of Islam :-

1.As the first caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr was responsible for assuming leadership of the Muslim community after the death of Prophet Muhammad. This involved guiding the community, making important decisions, and ensuring the welfare and unity of the Muslim Ummah. 

2.Additionally, Abu Bakr faced the crucial task of maintaining political stability in the early Islamic state. He addressed internal dissent and external threats that could have potentially led to the disintegration of the newly established state. Through his leadership, Abu Bakr successfully navigated these challenges, preserving the unity and strength of the Islamic state.

3.Abu Bakr established a financial system to manage the revenue generated by the state. This involved the collection and distribution of taxes, including the zakat (obligatory alms), which was an important source of income for the state. The financial system helped in funding the state's activities and welfare programs.To ensure efficient administration, Abu Bakr appointed governors in various regions of the Islamic state. These governors were responsible for maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, and representing the central authority in their respective areas.Abu Bakr introduced bureaucratic reforms to enhance the efficiency of the administration. This included setting up administrative departments and assigning specific responsibilities to officials to ensure smooth functioning and effective management of state affairs.

4.One of the significant contributions of Abu Bakr as the first caliph of Islam was overseeing the compilation and preservation of the Quran. After the death of Prophet Muhammad, there was a need to gather the scattered verses and ensure the preservation of the Quran in a unified and standardized form.Abu Bakr recognized the importance of preserving the teachings of the Prophet and preventing any discrepancies in the recitation of the Quran. He initiated the process of collecting the written and oral revelations of the Quran, which were previously recorded on various materials such as palm leaves, stones, and parchments.Under the guidance of Abu Bakr, a committee led by Zaid ibn Thabit, a trusted scribe of the Prophet, was formed. This committee meticulously gathered the verses of the Quran from various sources and verified their authenticity by cross-referencing with the memories of the Prophet's companions who had memorized the Quran.

Quotes of Hazrat Abu Bakr Saddique :-

     وہ عمل جو بغیر علم کے ہو اسے بیمار
اور وہ علم جو بغیر عمل کے ہو اسے بیکار سمجھو

اگر میں کسی گناہ گار کو خدائی حدود توڑتے ہوئے دیکھوں
تو اس وقت تک سزا نہیں دیتا جب تک میرے ہمراہ کوئی اور گواہ نہ 

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